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Compare Tonga (2007) - Antarctica (2008)

Compare Tonga (2007) z Antarctica (2008)

 Tonga (2007)Antarctica (2008)
Administrative divisions 3 island groups; Ha'apai, Tongatapu, Vava'u -
Age structure 0-14 years: 34.6% (male 20,624/female 19,779)

15-64 years: 61.2% (male 35,551/female 36,052)

65 years and over: 4.2% (male 2,087/female 2,828) (2007 est.)
Agriculture - products squash, coconuts, copra, bananas, vanilla beans, cocoa, coffee, ginger, black pepper; fish -
Airports 6 (2007) 26 (2007)
Airports - with paved runways total: 1

2,438 to 3,047 m: 1 (2007)
Airports - with unpaved runways total: 5

1,524 to 2,437 m: 1

914 to 1,523 m: 3

under 914 m: 1 (2007)
total: 26

over 3,047 m: 5

2,438 to 3,047 m: 5

1,524 to 2,437 m: 1

914 to 1,523 m: 9

under 914 m: 6 (2007)
Area total: 748 sq km

land: 718 sq km

water: 30 sq km
total: 14 million sq km

land: 14 million sq km (280,000 sq km ice-free, 13.72 million sq km ice-covered) (est.)

note: fifth-largest continent, following Asia, Africa, North America, and South America, but larger than Australia and the subcontinent of Europe
Area - comparative four times the size of Washington, DC slightly less than 1.5 times the size of the US
Background Tonga - unique among Pacific nations - never completely lost its indigenous governance. The archipelagos of "The Friendly Islands" were united into a Polynesian kingdom in 1845. Tonga became a constitutional monarchy in 1875 and a British protectorate in 1900; it withdrew from the protectorate and joined the Commonwealth of Nations in 1970. Tonga remains the only monarchy in the Pacific. Speculation over the existence of a "southern land" was not confirmed until the early 1820s when British and American commercial operators and British and Russian national expeditions began exploring the Antarctic Peninsula region and other areas south of the Antarctic Circle. Not until 1840 was it established that Antarctica was indeed a continent and not just a group of islands. Several exploration "firsts" were achieved in the early 20th century. Following World War II, there was an upsurge in scientific research on the continent. A number of countries have set up year-round research stations on Antarctica. Seven have made territorial claims, but not all countries recognize these claims. In order to form a legal framework for the activities of nations on the continent, an Antarctic Treaty was negotiated that neither denies nor gives recognition to existing territorial claims; signed in 1959, it entered into force in 1961.
Birth rate 23.67 births/1,000 population (2007 est.) -
Budget revenues: $56.97 million

expenditures: $83.88 million (FY04/05)
Capital name: Nuku'alofa

geographic coordinates: 21 08 S, 175 12 W

time difference: UTC+13 (18 hours ahead of Washington, DC during Standard Time)
Climate tropical; modified by trade winds; warm season (December to May), cool season (May to December) severe low temperatures vary with latitude, elevation, and distance from the ocean; East Antarctica is colder than West Antarctica because of its higher elevation; Antarctic Peninsula has the most moderate climate; higher temperatures occur in January along the coast and average slightly below freezing
Coastline 419 km 17,968 km
Constitution 4 November 1875; revised 1 January 1967 -
Country name conventional long form: Kingdom of Tonga

conventional short form: Tonga

local long form: Pule'anga Tonga

local short form: Tonga

former: Friendly Islands
conventional long form: none

conventional short form: Antarctica
Death rate 5.2 deaths/1,000 population (2007 est.) -
Debt - external $80.7 million (2004) -
Diplomatic representation from the US the US does not have an embassy in Tonga; the ambassador to Fiji is accredited to Tonga -
Diplomatic representation in the US chief of mission: Ambassador Fekitamoeloa 'UTOIKAMANU

chancery: 250 East 51st Street, New York, NY 10022

telephone: [1] (917) 369-1025

FAX: [1] (917) 369-1024

consulate(s) general: San Francisco
Disputes - international none Antarctic Treaty freezes claims (see Antarctic Treaty Summary in Government type entry); Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, NZ, Norway, and UK claim land and maritime sectors (some overlapping) for a large portion of the continent; the US and many other states do not recognize these territorial claims and have made no claims themselves (the US and Russia reserve the right to do so); no claims have been made in the sector between 90 degrees west and 150 degrees west
Economic aid - recipient $31.75 million (2005) -
Economy - overview Tonga has a small, open, South Pacific island economy. It has a narrow export base in agricultural goods. Squash, coconuts, bananas, and vanilla beans are the main crops, and agricultural exports make up two-thirds of total exports. The country must import a high proportion of its food, mainly from New Zealand. The country remains dependent on external aid and remittances from Tongan communities overseas to offset its trade deficit. Tourism is the second-largest source of hard currency earnings following remittances. The government is emphasizing the development of the private sector, especially the encouragement of investment, and is committing increased funds for health and education. Tonga has a reasonably sound basic infrastructure and well-developed social services. High unemployment among the young, a continuing upturn in inflation, pressures for democratic reform, and rising civil service expenditures are major issues facing the government. Fishing off the coast and tourism, both based abroad, account for Antarctica's limited economic activity. Antarctic fisheries in 2004-05 (1 July-30 June) reported landing 147,000 metric tons (estimated fishing from the area covered by the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR), which extends slightly beyond the Antarctic Treaty area). Unregulated fishing, particularly of Patagonian toothfish, is a serious problem. The CCAMLR determines the recommended catch limits for marine species. A total of 26,245 tourists visited in the 2005-06 Antarctic summer, up from the 22,712 visitors the previous year. Nearly all of them were passengers on commercial (nongovernmental) ships and several yachts that make trips during the summer. Most tourist trips last approximately two weeks.
Electricity - consumption 32.55 million kWh (2005) -
Electricity - exports 0 kWh (2005) -
Electricity - imports 0 kWh (2005) -
Electricity - production 35 million kWh (2005) -
Elevation extremes lowest point: Pacific Ocean 0 m

highest point: unnamed location on Kao Island 1,033 m
lowest point: Bentley Subglacial Trench -2,555 m

highest point: Vinson Massif 4,897 m

note: the lowest known land point in Antarctica is hidden in the Bentley Subglacial Trench; at its surface is the deepest ice yet discovered and the world's lowest elevation not under seawater
Environment - current issues deforestation results as more and more land is being cleared for agriculture and settlement; some damage to coral reefs from starfish and indiscriminate coral and shell collectors; overhunting threatens native sea turtle populations in 1998, NASA satellite data showed that the Antarctic ozone hole was the largest on record, covering 27 million square kilometers; researchers in 1997 found that increased ultraviolet light passing through the hole damages the DNA of icefish, an Antarctic fish lacking hemoglobin; ozone depletion earlier was shown to harm one-celled Antarctic marine plants; in 2002, significant areas of ice shelves disintegrated in response to regional warming
Environment - international agreements party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Desertification, Law of the Sea, Marine Dumping, Marine Life Conservation, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution

signed, but not ratified: none of the selected agreements
Ethnic groups Polynesian, Europeans -
Exchange rates pa'anga per US dollar - 2.0277 (2006), 1.96 (2005), 1.9716 (2004), 2.142 (2003), 2.1952 (2002) -
Executive branch chief of state: King George TUPOU V (since 11 September 2006)

head of government: Prime Minister Dr. Feleti SEVELE (since 11 February 2006); Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Viliami TANGI (since 16 May 2006)

cabinet: Cabinet consists of 14 members, 10 appointed by the monarch for life; four appointed from among the elected members of the Legislative Assembly, including two each from the nobles' and peoples' representatives serving three-year terms

note: there is also a Privy Council that consists of the monarch, the cabinet, and two governors

elections: none; the monarch is hereditary; prime minister and deputy prime minister appointed by the monarch
Exports NA bbl/day -
Exports - commodities squash, fish, vanilla beans, root crops -
Exports - partners US 39.7%, Japan 27.8%, NZ 8.2%, South Korea 7.6% (2006) -
Fiscal year 1 July - 30 June -
Flag description red with a bold red cross on a white rectangle in the upper hoist-side corner -
GDP - composition by sector agriculture: 23%

industry: 27%

services: 50% (FY03/04 est.)
GDP - real growth rate 2.4% (2005 est.) -
Geographic coordinates 20 00 S, 175 00 W 90 00 S, 0 00 E
Geography - note archipelago of 169 islands (36 inhabited) the coldest, windiest, highest (on average), and driest continent; during summer, more solar radiation reaches the surface at the South Pole than is received at the Equator in an equivalent period; mostly uninhabitable
Heliports - 53

note: all 37 year-round and 16 seasonal stations operated by National Antarctic Programs stations have restricted helicopter landing facilities (helipads) (2007)
Household income or consumption by percentage share lowest 10%: NA%

highest 10%: NA%
Imports NA bbl/day -
Imports - commodities foodstuffs, machinery and transport equipment, fuels, chemicals -
Imports - partners Fiji 30.3%, NZ 27.7%, US 8.2%, Australia 7.5%, France 5.7%, UK 4.7% (2006) -
Independence 4 June 1970 (from UK protectorate) -
Industrial production growth rate 1% (2003 est.) -
Industries tourism, fishing -
Infant mortality rate total: 11.99 deaths/1,000 live births

male: 13.3 deaths/1,000 live births

female: 10.61 deaths/1,000 live births (2007 est.)
Inflation rate (consumer prices) 11.1% (2005 est.) -
International organization participation ACP, AsDB, C, FAO, G-77, IBRD, ICAO, ICRM, IDA, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, IHO, IMF, IMO, Interpol, IOC, ITU, ITUC, OPCW, PIF, Sparteca, SPC, UN, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNIDO, UPU, WCO, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO (observer) -
Irrigated land NA -
Judicial branch Supreme Court (judges are appointed by the monarch); Court of Appeal (Chief Justice and high court justices from overseas chosen and approved by Privy Council) -
Labor force 33,910 (2003) -
Labor force - by occupation agriculture: 65%

industry and services: 35% (1997 est.)
Land boundaries 0 km 0 km

note: see entry on Disputes - international
Land use arable land: 20%

permanent crops: 14.67%

other: 65.33% (2005)
arable land: 0%

permanent crops: 0%

other: 100% (ice 98%, barren rock 2%) (2005)
Languages Tongan, English -
Legal system based on English common law Antarctica is administered through meetings of the consultative member nations; decisions from these meetings are carried out by these member nations (with respect to their own nationals and operations) in accordance with their own national laws; US law, including certain criminal offenses by or against US nationals, such as murder, may apply extraterritorially; some US laws directly apply to Antarctica; for example, the Antarctic Conservation Act, 16 U.S.C. section 2401 et seq., provides civil and criminal penalties for the following activities, unless authorized by regulation of statute: the taking of native mammals or birds; the introduction of nonindigenous plants and animals; entry into specially protected areas; the discharge or disposal of pollutants; and the importation into the US of certain items from Antarctica; violation of the Antarctic Conservation Act carries penalties of up to $10,000 in fines and one year in prison; the National Science Foundation and Department of Justice share enforcement responsibilities; Public Law 95-541, the US Antarctic Conservation Act of 1978, as amended in 1996, requires expeditions from the US to Antarctica to notify, in advance, the Office of Oceans, Room 5805, Department of State, Washington, DC 20520, which reports such plans to other nations as required by the Antarctic Treaty; for more information, contact Permit Office, Office of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia 22230; telephone: (703) 292-8030, or visit their website at; more generally, access to the Antarctic Treaty area, that is to all areas between 60 and 90 degrees south latitude, is subject to a number of relevant legal instruments and authorization procedures adopted by the states party to the Antarctic Treaty
Legislative branch unicameral Legislative Assembly or Fale Alea (32 seats - 14 reserved for cabinet ministers sitting ex officio, nine for nobles selected by the country's 33 nobles, and nine elected by popular vote; members serve three-year terms)

elections: last held on 21 March 2005 (next to be held in 2008)

election results: Peoples Representatives: percent of vote - HRDMT 70%, other 30%; seats - HRDMT 7, independents 2
Life expectancy at birth total population: 70.12 years

male: 67.6 years

female: 72.76 years (2007 est.)
Literacy definition: can read and write Tongan and/or English

total population: 98.9%

male: 98.8%

female: 99% (1999 est.)
Location Oceania, archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean, about two-thirds of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand continent mostly south of the Antarctic Circle
Map references Oceania Antarctic Region
Maritime claims territorial sea: 12 nm

exclusive economic zone: 200 nm

continental shelf: 200 m depth or to the depth of exploitation
Australia, Chile, and Argentina claim Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) rights or similar over 200 nm extensions seaward from their continental claims, but like the claims themselves, these zones are not accepted by other countries; 21 of 28 Antarctic consultative nations have made no claims to Antarctic territory (although Russia and the US have reserved the right to do so) and do not recognize the claims of the other nations; also see the Disputes - international entry
Merchant marine total: 14 ships (1000 GRT or over) 58,756 GRT/67,889 DWT

by type: bulk carrier 1, cargo 9, liquefied gas 1, livestock carrier 1, passenger/cargo 1, refrigerated cargo 1

foreign-owned: 3 (Australia 1, Switzerland 1, UK 1) (2007)
Military - note - the Antarctic Treaty prohibits any measures of a military nature, such as the establishment of military bases and fortifications, the carrying out of military maneuvers, or the testing of any type of weapon; it permits the use of military personnel or equipment for scientific research or for any other peaceful purposes
Military branches Tonga Defense Services: Land Force (Royal Guard), Naval Force (includes Royal Marines, Air Wing) (2006) -
Military expenditures - percent of GDP 0.9% (2006 est.) -
National holiday Emancipation Day, 4 June (1970) -
Nationality noun: Tongan(s)

adjective: Tongan
Natural hazards cyclones (October to April); earthquakes and volcanic activity on Fonuafo'ou katabatic (gravity-driven) winds blow coastward from the high interior; frequent blizzards form near the foot of the plateau; cyclonic storms form over the ocean and move clockwise along the coast; volcanism on Deception Island and isolated areas of West Antarctica; other seismic activity rare and weak; large icebergs may calve from ice shelf
Natural resources fish, fertile soil iron ore, chromium, copper, gold, nickel, platinum and other minerals, and coal and hydrocarbons have been found in small uncommercial quantities; none presently exploited; krill, finfish, and crab have been taken by commercial fisheries
Net migration rate 0 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2007 est.) -
Political parties and leaders People's Democratic Party [Tesina FUKO] -
Political pressure groups and leaders Human Rights and Democracy Movement Tonga or HRDMT [Rev. Simote VEA, chairman]; Public Servant's Association [Finau TUTONE] -
Population 116,921 (July 2007 est.) no indigenous inhabitants, but there are both permanent and summer-only staffed research stations

note: 28 nations, all signatory to the Antarctic Treaty, operate through their National Antarctic Program a number of seasonal-only (summer) and year-round research stations on the continent and its nearby islands south of 60 degrees south latitude (the region covered by the Antarctic Treaty); these stations' population of persons doing and supporting science or engaged in the management and protection of the Antarctic region varies from approximately 4,000 in summer to 1,000 in winter; in addition, approximately 1,000 personnel, including ship's crew and scientists doing onboard research, are present in the waters of the treaty region; peak summer (December-February) population - 3,944 total; Argentina 417, Australia 200, Brazil 40, Bulgaria 15, Chile 224, China 70, Czech Republic 20, Ecuador 26, Finland 20, France 122, Germany 78, India 65, Italy 113, Japan 125, South Korea 60, NZ 85, Norway 44, Peru 28, Poland 40, Romania 13, Russia 429, South Africa 80, Spain 28, Sweden 20, Ukraine 24, UK 205, US 1,293, Uruguay 60 (2006-2007); winter (June-August) station population - 1,077 total; Argentina 176, Australia 62, Brazil 12, Chile 88, China 29, France 37, Germany 9, India 25, Italy 2, Japan 40, South Korea 15, NZ 10, Norway 7, Poland 12, Russia 148, South Africa 10, Ukraine 12, UK 37, US 337, Uruguay 9 (2006); research stations operated within the Antarctic Treaty area (south of 60 degrees south latitude) by National Antarctic Programs: year-round stations - 37 total; Argentina 6, Australia 3, Brazil 1, Chile 3, China 2, France 1, Germany 1, India 1, Japan 1, South Korea 1, NZ 1, Norway 1, Poland 1, Russia 5, South Africa 1, Ukraine 1, UK 2, US 3, Uruguay 1, Italy and France jointly 1 (2005); seasonal-only (summer) stations - 16 total; Bulgaria 1, Chile 1, Czech Republic 1, Ecuador 1, Finland 1, Germany 1, Italy 1, Japan 1, Norway 1, Peru 1, Romania 1, Russia 1, Spain 2, Sweden 1, UK 1 (2006-2007); in addition, during the austral summer some nations have numerous occupied locations such as tent camps, summer-long temporary facilities, and mobile traverses in support of research (July 2007 est.)
Population below poverty line 24% (FY03/04) -
Population growth rate 1.847% (2007 est.) -
Radio broadcast stations AM 1, FM 4, shortwave 1 (2001) AM NA, FM 2, shortwave 1 (information for US bases only) (2002)
Religions Christian (Free Wesleyan Church claims over 30,000 adherents) -
Sex ratio at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female

under 15 years: 1.043 male(s)/female

15-64 years: 0.986 male(s)/female

65 years and over: 0.738 male(s)/female

total population: 0.993 male(s)/female (2007 est.)
Suffrage 21 years of age; universal -
Telephone system general assessment: competition between Tonga Telecommunications Corporation (TCC) and Shoreline Communications Tonga (SCT) is accelerating expansion of telecommunications; SCT recently granted authority to develop high-speed digital service for telephone, Internet, and television

domestic: fully automatic switched network

international: country code - 676; satellite earth station - 1 Intelsat (Pacific Ocean) (2004)
general assessment: local systems at some research stations

domestic: commercial cellular networks operating in a small number of locations

international: country code - 672; via satellite (including mobile Inmarsat and Iridium systems) from all research stations, ships, aircraft, and most field parties (2001)
Telephones - main lines in use 13,700 (2005) 0; note - information for US bases only (2001)
Telephones - mobile cellular 29,900 (2005) -
Television broadcast stations 3 (2004) 1 (cable system with 6 channels; American Forces Antarctic Network-McMurdo - information for US bases only) (2002)
Terrain most islands have limestone base formed from uplifted coral formation; others have limestone overlying volcanic base about 98% thick continental ice sheet and 2% barren rock, with average elevations between 2,000 and 4,000 meters; mountain ranges up to nearly 5,000 meters; ice-free coastal areas include parts of southern Victoria Land, Wilkes Land, the Antarctic Peninsula area, and parts of Ross Island on McMurdo Sound; glaciers form ice shelves along about half of the coastline, and floating ice shelves constitute 11% of the area of the continent
Total fertility rate 2.75 children born/woman (2007 est.) -
Unemployment rate 13% (FY03/04 est.) -
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